Nothing is more engaging and personalized than seeing a medically accurate preview.
Patients take a series of calibrated portraits using our custom web app. The App is simple to use and requires no set up, installation or uploading. Our Ai systems go to work using medically accurate predictive models. The result is a stunning interactive previews that you can review in a video consult.
Once procedure previews are generated, we schedule an interactive video consult for you to meet the patient prospect and discuss their concerns and questions.
The video consults are scheduled directly into your calendar. You control the virtual consult from your office, with patients from around the world.
You can markup the preview images while you discuss the options in real time. Alternatively, our Ai medical assistant can also pre-screen the prospective patients with an intelligent Ai medical assistant, trained in your on-boarding requirements and systems.
Our Ai medical assistant is trained specifically on your practice protocols, procedures, physician profiles, preferences and practice data. It is multi-lingual, can scale to hundreds of simultaneous calls and is always learning.
The Ai medical assistant can:
• Answer all questions
• Sophisticated patient on-boarding forms
• Process qualification questions
• Set up deposit payments
• Display rich multimedia content
Marketing automation provides measurable improvements in conversion, while REDUCING costs. Further, we have strategies that favor establishing reputational content and organic search results. We aggregate long-form rich content from non-competitive practices to reduce marketing costs.
Let us guide the development of consistent inbound patient flow, achieve new levels of efficiency and reduce costs and reducing the need to PPC marketing.
We prefer to work as a partner, rather than as a vendor. We structure our costs relative to key performance metrics, so while there may be some minor upfront set up costs, you will mostly only pay for performance.
We help you to adopt and integrate technologies that compliment the busy lives of your patients around the world. Mobile and video-first technologies are preferred by 70% of patients.
Video content, intelligent chat automation, automated booking systems and advanced video consults that are available 24/7 around the world give your practice the advantage.